Saturday, November 14, 2009

You Can't Handle the Truth!

Well, maybe you can handle it.

But I can't.

My precious girls!

How did you become so naughty?

Well, it is time I revealed the truth from yesterday's post:


My girls would never steal.


#1 was false.

Rachel was the only person who guessed correctly!

Yes, they threw apples at someone else's camp trailer while I was being suffocated by a parachute.

Thankfully, the people were not at the campground during this time and the apples cause no damage.

Our little angels had to sit at the campfire for the rest of the night: about 4 hours.

And yes, they plucked the lattice of off the neighbor's fence for the own little wood pile.

My sweet girls came running into the house:

"Mama!  Come look at our play house!  We have some wood for winter!  Come look!"

Well, mama looked.

And mama did not like what she saw.

The Lumberjack rebuilt the fence-it took him about 45 minutes.

So the girls each owed him 45 minutes of  extra chores.


Where do I hand in my resignation?

Clearly, I am not fit to be a mother.


Update:  I now have Taylor Swift on my IPod.

Question:  Is Taylor Swift only cool for the junior high crowd?

Just tell me the truth.

Either way, I still love that song.

Finish the line:

"Walking the streets with you and your worn-out jeans
I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be
Laughing on a park bench, _______________




  1. I like Taylor Swift! And I like this post!! You know, when I was really young I stole a pack of cigarettes and I turned out just fine.......right??!! :-)

  2. I like Taylor Swift!! Sorry I thought your girls stole, I was just thinking back to my younger years.

  3. I really like Taylor Swift; so no, not only for the Jr High crowd!

    As for the stealing; I stole a Kit Kat once. I was eight, and my dad still hasn't let me forget it.

  4. I still have not heard Taylor Swift. I am really not a fan of Lady Gaga and unfortunately had "Disco Stick" stuck in my head most of yesterday, which was really the last song I wanted stuck in my head. I did find an edited version of "U.N.I.T.Y." by Queen Latifah to play on my radio show on Thursday, which was one of the highlights of the show.

    I totally believe that the girls did the wood thing. They're so precious. I miss them dearly.

  5. “Walking the streets with you and your worn-out jeans
    I can’t help thinking this is how it ought to be
    Laughing on a park bench, _______________

    _________________________________”? Makes me need to go pee?

  6. I love Taylor!

    ...Thinking to myself, hey isn't this easy.
    And you've got a smile that can light up this whole town. I haven't seen it in a while since she brought you down...

  7. I just refuse to believe that your girls could be NAUGHTY...nooo!! Every time I see them, they are filled with complete sweetness:)

  8. You got it, Becky! Nice job!

  9. You realize now that you've told everyone your girls would NEVER steal...they probably will just so that we can all point and laugh. ;) Okay, okay...calm down. I'm only kidding people. Your girls are wonderful. :)

  10. Hey Taylor & Megs...
    You both just crack me up! Taylor, your little ones all sound wonderful, delightful, happy & very well adjusted. I think you are awesome as a parent & a niece! Megan, you must listen to Taylor Swift, her music is fun, and surprising touching. Even if you aren't into her style of music you can't help but respect her "gift". Amazing talent for what a 19 yr old?!! Yes she's downlowded on my shuffle (a gift from Lexie, as it was decided I probably didn't want/couldn't handle a "real" ipod :) So it's not just junior high it's the 50 something crowd as well! Miss you guys!

  11. Way to go, Dave. I'ts amazing what kids will learn from us. Like not using the parking brake. What a hoot!

  12. ...thinking to myself, hey isn't this easy? You've got a smile that can light up this whole town, I haven't seen it in a while since she brought you down.... Yes, I too like Taylor Swift, so hopefully it's not just or the teens :)

  13. [...] Who You Are Mr. Postman You Can’t Handle the Truth! [...]
