Monday, November 2, 2009

Oh, to be young again . . .

During summer, I love watching the freedom my little girls have.

No worrying, "I wonder what my hair looks like right now?"

No asking, "Should I be eating this chip?"

Not saying, "I hope my butt doesn't look too big right now."

Oh, to be not one bit shy in a swimsuit. To not even be concerned that the top is falling down.

And to pose for a picture while wearing a swimsuit!

Should I break it to them that these days might not last forever? Should I tell them that wearing a swimsuit will one day become something to fear? That removing a wet swimsuit will be something to dread? Should I inform them that one day, a day far off in their future, the worst moment will be when they take those first steps out into the world wearing that swimsuit, worrying about just what is wiggling and jiggling as they walk along the water?

Nah. Why ruin it for them?



  1. Too funny! Those were the days, huh?

  2. Don't ruin it for them yet!! Let them discover the "fear of the suit" on their own... :p (yes, I'm sticking my tongue out.) :)

  3. Too funny! Had you told me at that age that I would one day fear swim suit season, I'd never have believed you. LOL! Now? It's a very REAL fear.

  4. I hear that those attitudes come back when you get old. Obviously I am not there yet...

  5. Aw, what a cute post! Naw, don't tell em! :)

  6. I'm all about spilling the beans right now. Hey it's a rough world, better to be prepared. I wish I would have known, then maybe I would have appreciated my youthful "perfection" instead of taking it for granted:)

  7. lol! I wonder what brought this thought to mind :)

  8. I think you could just tell them how beautiful and wonderful they are no matter what they look like and not to be ashamed of their bodies.

    I think they could grow up and not fear it.

  9. I would go back in a heartbeat for exactly these reasons. :)

  10. On the flip side, boys at that age can still cry without feeling like less of a man. (Not that I want to cry or anything like that. I hate crying. Crying is stupid :)

  11. So true. We are headed to Maui in less than 2 weeks. (My honey and I are taking our first solo vacation. 15 years in the making. I am excited that you and your hunny will be doing the same soon :) I was suppossed to be dieting and at least trying to exercise to lose at least a little weight. But me... no, I have gone and gained a couple pounds! So, as if a swimsuit is not horrifying to begin with I get to wear one at my heaviest weight in the past 8 months! Ugh.

  12. I blame the media for brainwashing women to feel self-conscious about their bodies. Bad, bad media. Women should celebrate themselvess and their curves.

  13. ditto, meagan. what are you reading these days, didn't you used to have a list?
