Thursday, November 19, 2009

Invention Convention

It was a cool, October day.

I went to pick up Sweet Pea from first grade.

She got into the car, beaming:

"Guess what!  I am going to do Convention Convention!"

Me:  "What is 'Convention Convention'?"

"I don't know!  But I want to do it!"

And that is my daughter.

She wants to do it because she can.

Later, I discovered that she was talking about Invention Convention.

"So, what do you want to invent?"

"I don't know . . . something cool!"

And then we started brainstorming.


Here were her ideas and our reasons why not to do them:

1)  Sweet Pea:  Something that mixes colors, like how red and yellow make orange.  Us:  Done-called the color wheel

2)  Sweet Pea:  A car that flies.  Us:  No.  Plus it would exceed the $15 budget allotment.

3)  Sweet Pea:  A robot that does all my chores and is as big as me!  Us:  How?  And everyone wants that.

So, after much careful deliberation, we decided on a game.

Sweet Pea wanted a game that involved climbing a tree and answering animal questions.

The Lumberjack was in charge of helping Sweet Pea come up with the animal questions.

"What do you call a school of fish?"

That was his favorite one.

"It's a trick question!  Get it?"

I took the liberty of omitting that one.

I am not sure if first grader's are ready for trick questions.

Sweet Pea actually had a pretty good idea.

The game was a lot of fun!

I think Convention Convention was a success!


  1. That game looks adorable! Did you make it? If so I think you certainly deserve an A for this project

  2. I made it with Sweet Pea. It was a joint effort. :) Everything was her idea, I helped with outlining the tree, writing the questions, etc.
    Thank you!
    She is quite proud!

  3. Oh and you could post this on Fab Friday. It doesn't have to be catistrophic just how to enjoy our kids. This is perfect! Also, so you know you don't have to post ON Fri to link Friday. I should probably make a "how to" page eh?

  4. How wonderful. I can't wait to play. Are you going to market it to Milton Bradley? I would. She is growing up so fast.

  5. What fun! It looks so cute and she looks so proud standing there next to her game. :)
