Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Mr. Postman

Has anyone ever gotten in trouble from their letter carrier?
We have.
We are on our last warning.
Guess who freaks the letter carriers out:

A whole lot of work
Mabel has become quite cantankerous in her old age.

Oh, she is a naughty thing.

She figures out every way possible to get out of our backyard.

I reckon it is on account of our complete and utter disregard for her existence since we had the children.

Poor dog.

Mabel dislikes the letter carrier.

We do not know why.

She does not seem too picky.

The kids put clothes on her, ride her, pinch her, step on her, and poke her eyeballs.


And she just takes it.

But show her a stranger holding a stack of white envelopes, and she goes nuts.


She chases them down and barks at them.

If the letter carrier sees her out one more time, we will no longer get mail.


Is that legal?

Don't we have rights?

Well, I am trying my hardest to keep tabs on the dog.

But, my main focus is keeping handsome dude . . .

2009 6 21 23 birthdays 008alive.

So, there are times when Mabel is not my top focus.

But I really hope we can continue to get mail . . . otherwise fun moments like this would not happen:

DSC_0147In this current age of technology, the handwritten letter is rare.

DSC_0153But my girls have a Great Aunt Dana.

And Great Aunt Dana spoils them from time to time with packages in the mail.

DSC_0154She even throws in a few coloring pages and just little random bits and pieces of fun things she has collected for them.

DSC_0164And they love it . . . they really, really love it.

DSC_0165Sweet Pea sat down amidst all of her postal loot and teared up.

"I just really miss Aunt Dana.  I don't think I have seen her for like, 10 years."

Sweet Pea has a tendancy to exaggerate.

DSC_0167"Dear Dana, I mish you . . . "

*tear* sob* tear*sob*

Sweet Pea also tends to get emotional.

DSC_0169And I tend to get emotional when I think of how big my Sweet Pea is getting.

I mean, she can do so many things now:


*count to 121

*fold laundry

*ride a bike

*write words . . . like mish

Ahhhh . . . my baby . . . .

She is also a stubborn little thing.

I had 4.2 million things to do because my friend Bimlissa was coming over.

And I had to hurry and try and meticulously clean my house, so as to appear that no children, husbands, or dogs lived there.

Cause Bimlissa would not be my friend if my house was not tidy.

She's snooty like that.

But Sweet Pea insisted that I address her package to Aunt Dana and put it into the mail immediately.


I am sure my letter carrier would greatly appreciate this package stuffed in the mailbox.


  1. Too cute. My kids love to get mail, even now that they are older. Hopefully your sweet dog will not scare the mailman again. But if she does...theres always a post office box :)

  2. Kids and the mail is such a sweet combination! They are always so cute about it!

    LOL! There are times I wish my dog had scared the post man... (Really; ours is an idiot.) I hope your sweet (not-so) little pup behaves herself for a little while!

  3. you are such a punk!! :-) I was going to make you the subject of my blog today (you know, nanoblogpolobolo......) but I may change my mind now!
    Mable just loves her peoples so much, she is keeping you SAFE from that crazy mailman trying to come in your house each day!! love you! :-) great post, girlie!

  4. Awww.. my mom does the same thing with packages for the kids and it is their favorite thing in the whole world!

    And poor Mabel just has to try to be fierce in some small way- so that she still feels useful!

  5. We have "Sweets" to protect us - primarily from the Schwan's Man (that's really his name) cuz you know those Schwan's guys are really scary people. But the mail is WAYYYY down the driveway - maybe that's what you need - a mailbox WAYYYY down the driveway.........

  6. I have a solution...
    Give Mabel to us! We don't have a mailbox, we use a PO box.
    Problem solved!

    But at our old house we did have a very grumpy buffalo for a mail man (maybe it's CDA). And he was always late, like 5:00 pm or later! He got a little snooty with me a few times but then I made him cookies and that helped a bit. Maybe you should leave him a snack, he's probably tired and hungry.

    Oh yes, I'm pretty sure that Melissa has stopped coming to my house because it is consistently messy:)

  7. Really like Alisa's comment. Poor Kate, I hate to see her distressed over me. My explanation is always, she's either hungry, tired or ears hurt. I mish her too. I mish her tooo mush. All y'all...

  8. My terrible, horrible no-good boss in Shasta could fit 5 tennis balls in his dog's mouth. We have a picture of it in the x-ray department.

  9. Yes! She is a good dog otherwise. She just hates the postman so!

  10. True! Mine is just so conveniently located right on my porch!

  11. Dude. You are the subject of so many of my blog posts. It is time you admitted to the world that you know me.
    And you are a punk.

  12. Alas . . . we do not have a driveway . . . :)

  13. The packages are awesome! I am so glad they get them!

  14. I can't wait to see the new carpet! Thanks for the package! The girls really enjoyed it!

  15. Oh, good idea! I should just leave a big ol' cake on the porch!

  16. At least you guys still have a dog, just kidding. Did little dude find his glasses?

  17. Lisa! :(
    Little dude does not wear glasses . . . handsome dude does and yes he found them!

  18. Dogs are a mysterious lot. I'm going to be honest: I mistrust them. And they shed, too, which really ticks me off.

  19. Um, just an awkward note: both my parents are rural letter carriers for the post office. They work their tooshies off everyday, and i could write a whole stinking blog on how underappreciated they are. Just a note. Also, treats are greatly appreciated!

  20. Yes, the mail carriers work hard. I am always amazed at how they still deliver even when we have horrible weather, freezing temps, and 27 feet of snow. :)

    My Mabel needs to back off!

  21. love the word "cantankerous"...I so enjoy reading your blog!

  22. maybe my online name should just be datenutloaf or something cute.

  23. Maybe the mail carrier should give Mabel a treat too. Dogs are suckers for treats aren't they? Dog is also doing her duty admirably and without pay. Is there anything food cannot solve?
