Monday, November 2, 2009

The Lumberjack gets a . . . Blackberry?

Well, the world has officially gone mad.

I have been sensing something big like this was going to happen.

Let's look at the facts:

First:  Lisa watched my boys and said that Little Dude was naughty and Handsome Dude was delightful and helpful.

Second:  The Lumberjack has been spoiling me like crazy.  I am not sure if he has just fallen more deeply in love with me or if he is trying to butter me up for more hunting time. 
Hmmm . . . I will go with the latter statement.

Third:  The powers that be took away the Lumberjack's sturdy, durable, walkie-talkie, hard-core, manly-man work phone and swapped it out with a Blackberry.

2009_9_20 161Excuse me, you powers-that-be?

Was that a good idea?

Does he really seem like the Blackberry type?

2009_9_07 199Oh, this is bad.

Were Blackberries meant to be stored in the pockets of Carhartts while climbing up and down ladders, crawling through attics, and occasionally, falling trees?

2009_9_07 205But I have not told you all yet the BEST part.

The "powers that be" have begun TEXTING the Lumberjack his jobs.

Oh, this is a treat.

If only I had a video for the moment last night when the Lumberjack pulled his hip, new phone out of his pocket, stared at it like it was communicating to him in a foreign language, and shouted,

"Am I getting a TEXT?"

And, yes.

Yes, he was.

And it was a work assignment for the next morning.

He stared at it.

I asked him if he needed my help replying.

He continued to stare.

You see, the Lumberjack had a course-altering decision to make at that point in time.

Does he text back,  allowing the powers-that-be to think that he is okay with texting?

Because texting, my gentle readers, is against everything my Lumberjack believes in.

It truly makes his blood boil.

But if he does not text back, will the powers-that-be think he does not have his work assignment?

After much thought, the Lumberjack found a solution he could live with.

He told me to text the following:

"I am having my wife text you because I do not text.  Yes, I will do the work that you ask."

Then, he frantically grabbed the phone from me and shouted,

"Now, delete them!  Delete the messages!  I don't want them on my phone."

2009_9_07 236

I was more than a little taken aback at his state of panic.

My text message inbox currently has, um, 72 messages in it.

Not ones that I have not read, of course.

Just old messages.

What do I care?

The phone will tell me when I need to delete them.

Some people truly, truly HATE texting.

I do not understand this hatred.

Sure, it is annoying to text deep and intimate conversations.

But, it is easy to text a quick,

"I am running 10 minutes late."

And avoid a 5 minute phone call.

Oh, well.

We can just add this to the list of things I do not understand about my husband.


  1. I think everyone will join the world of texting sooner or later, it's just to convenient to ignore!!! Lets hang out next week - this time I bring the Wango :-)

  2. You are right - Lumberjack - Blackberry - the two don't seem to go together!
    I absolutely adore texting! And at my job that is the way most everyone communicates!

  3. Sounds like the world has gone crazy! That's too funny. I don't get people that don't like texting either. I would never talk to anyone if I didn't text :)

  4. I have to admit I'm currently daydreaming of a world where my hubby refused to text... aaahhhh.... the peace that would bring, the serenity. I am jealous.

  5. hahahaha! Hilarious! He's coming into the techie world... whether he likes it or not!

    And I LOVE texting- I HATE talking on the phone, so text has made my communication skills sooo much better!

  6. My husband and I have running conversations throughout the day by text. I believe it has made our marriage better....I can talk as much as I want and he hears it just a sentence or two at a time. My husband loves his crackberry annoys him if I don't have my cell phone on me at all times, like I'm the Secret Service or something. I try to explain that's what voice mail is for but oh my goodness he does not ever want to leave me a voice mail. And heaven forbid I leave him one. I think you see why texting is working for us : )

  7. Ha ha. I loved this post. My hubby, the dairy dude, doesn't believe in answering machines, let alone cell phones, and a Blackberry is something that grows on a bush, thank you! I could see him quiting the dairy industry if he had to TEXT! Ha!
    Your family is beautiful. I love your blog.
    Good luck with NaBloPoMo!
