Sunday, November 15, 2009

Random Useless Information

Useless information that you dont need to know:

1)  On our honeymoon, The Lumberjack drove into the parking garage in Seattle with bikes on top of the car.  We caused some minor damage to the parking garage.

They were not pleased.

2)  Handsome Dude calls motorcycles: moto-cackles

3)  I used to drive a purple dented minivan.

4)  I still have acne.

5)  The Lumberjack likes to listen to the song, "Convoy" by CW McCall.  

Do yourself a favor:  do not listen to this song.

6)  I still want a Big Mac.

7)  The only time I have ever been carded was at the library when I tried to get a library card.

Me:  "Hi!  I would like to get a library card!"

Librarian:  "I am sorry, honey.  You'll have to come back with your parents."

Me:  "Really!?  Why?"

Librarian:  "When you are under the age of 16 you need your parent's consent."

Me:  "I am married!"

Librarian:  "Nice try, hon."

Me:  "I am not lying!"

Librarian:  "I am going to have to see some ID."

8)  For our one month dating anniversary, the Lumberjack and I took a roadtrip to Missoula. 

For our one year wedding anniversary, we went to California.

For our nine year wedding anniversary, we went to the movies.

9)  On our trip to Missoula, we broke down.  The tow truck company said they could not tow us that night and we would have to stay the night in Missoula.

Pop Quiz:  What happens when you are a conservative Christian father and your 17 year old daughter tells you she is stranded in Missoula with her new boyfriend and the towing company is putting her up in a hotel for the night?



  1. they drive to Missoula to get you!!! Am I right, am I right??!!

  2. I agree with Melissa! Thats what Bret would do:)

  3. Hey now! I love Convoy :) (But, I did spend three years driving a truck, and I an additional 2 as a Truckers Wife... LOL! )

    I love Missoula MT! But that story about the tow truck cracks me up!

  4. That dad immediately gets where you are at, gets in the car, and will be there to pick you up in 2 hours. Guaranteed. My dad would have NEVER allowed me on a road trip in the first place, so you have crazy relaxed parents. Going to Spokane was a GINORMOUS ordeal when Brian and I were courting/dating. Long story. Soooo, what happened???

  5. I'm assuming this wonderful dad got in his car & came to get you. How bout a blog about the girls or your own dolls? That might keep you busy. However, it would need photos.

  6. On the other hand, if anyone really knew you then they would know that likely nothing would have happened.

  7. Ok Taylor, as someone who is somewhat aquainted with your father, I'm going with he broke all speed laws getting from CDA to Missoula.......

  8. Love moto cackles and bimlissa & convention convention. Love the way you write. Love the photos. Good job on nablogmo or whatever the heck it is. You have a good Friday too.

  9. I love how kids make up their own words or pronunciation of words. My nephew calls a skate board a ficka board. Not even close, but I love it! So what happened with your dad?

  10. Ah, yes, you know me too well! :) Ha!

  11. I forgot about telling the rest of that story-I will finish it soon. Thanks for the reminder!

  12. [...] 1)  From the post:  Random Useless Information . . . [...]
