Sunday, November 15, 2009

Weekend Update

In case you cared, here's what's been happening on the Lumberjack front:

1)  Sweet Pea, our oldest, signed up for "Invention Convention."  This means, that I am doing "Invention Convention." 

I am super thrilled. 

Sweet Pea calls it "Convention Convention."

2)  I have more than likely gained back all the weight I lost. 

And I didn't even eat a Big Mac.

3)  My laptop broke.  Again.  It breaks every 2-3 months.  I am currently at the library.

Yes, I am at the library blogging.

I am super cool like that.

4)  Since I do not have my laptop, I will not be able to blog with pictures.  Please try and remain calm. 

5)  The Lumberjack made pancakes for breakfast for everyone but me.

Perhaps he is noticing that I might be gaining back my 3 pounds.

Mean old Lumberjack.

6)  I really want to watch the movie "Little Shop of Horrors."

7)  Mabel is shedding. 

Did you know that dog hair sticks to everything?

Pajamas . . .

Foam craft sheets . . .

Socks . . .

My childrens' snot . . .

8)  I went to a baby shower and a bridal shower this weekend.

9)  I would like everyone to know that I am very happy to not be getting pregnant again , ever, ever again.  Ever.

I am not a cute pregnant person.

Nor am I a pleasant pregnant person.

10)  At the bridal shower, the bride-to-be got several "mature" gifts and unmentionables.

She handled this very well.

Her mom was there.

Her future mother-in-law was there.

Don't worry . . . I blushed for her.

11)  Being at the bridal shower made me reminisce about my own bridal showers.  I had a few embarrassing moments myself.  But I did get one really strange gift.

A pig.

A live pig.

For to raise and butcher.

Come on.


No cute panties?

No potholders?

A pig?

I challenge anyone to tell me a weirder gift that they received.

I am certain I will be the winner.


  1. Nope, no one ever gave me anything live. You win. Now you will likely have to blog about what you did with the pig. I can handle the no pix, as long as you blog. I hope this blogging daily month doesn't make you hate doing it. That would be tragic. Great writer. We laughed we cried, we hurled. (what movie?)

  2. I'm sorry about your laptop! I can't beat getting a pig. Let us all know if someone does though!

  3. Wow--a pig. I can't think of any bride-to-be that has recieved a gift EVER that beats that. So weird. Um, who gave that lovely gift to you?

  4. I too hate dog hair, and now I live in a house with not one square inch of carpet. I have to sweep multiple times a day and I still find dog hair EVERYWHERE, even on the freshly laundered clothes right out of the dryer. Isn't that what a lint trap is for? And yes...a pig is a weird gift...and kind of creepy. "Congratulations on your upcoming marriage. Here, slaughter this animal, it will bring you eternal happiness." o.O

  5. Ha ha! A pig! co-workers gave me a how-to sex book. Can you believe that? Later on at dinner, one of them said, "We could've given you the lesbian version." (!)

    Ummm...yeah, like that'd be really helpful to my husband!

    But your pig still wins, trotters down!

  6. I can imagine poor husband's dilemma: Make pancakes -good dad. Make pancakes for wife who's on a diet? Hmmm? Better not, gotta respect the goal - good dad. Not make pancakes for wife on a diet? Hmmm? Am I telling her she's fat? Bad dad. That's one of those no-win husband wife situations. I applaud his courage.

  7. R U gonna tell us who gave you a pig? Mr Wadie Weebots got me a pig once, friend raised it, a butcher friend killed and dressed it. OK Fine. (not really) Was I going to eat it? heck no

  8. Can we learn more about convention convention? I'll try to be patient.

  9. Hmmm . . . Wayne's World?
