Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Well, I fear I have gotten ahead of myself.

I throw out too many "pop quizzes" and then forget to answer them.

Please find it in your confused hearts to forgive me.

Okay, smartiepantsies . . .here we go:

1)  From the post:  Random Useless Information . . .

8)  For our one month dating anniversary, the Lumberjack and I took a roadtrip to Missoula. 

For our one year wedding anniversary, we went to California.

For our nine year wedding anniversary, we went to the movies.

9)  On our trip to Missoula, we broke down.  The tow truck company said they could not tow us that night and we would have to stay the night in Missoula.

Pop Quiz:  What happens when you are a conservative Christian father and your 17 year old daughter tells you she is stranded in Missoula with her new boyfriend and the towing company is putting her up in a hotel for the night?

 Pop Quiz Answer:

You get really really stressed and angry.  You start talking to yourself and throwing pots and pans in the kitchen.

When you tell your wife that you are driving to Missoula to get said daughter, your wife says,

"Oh, no you are not.  You are far too angry."

So the wife, aka, mother, gets in to her car.

She starts driving for about 1 hour when she gets word that her lovely daughter and her dashing new boyfriend have pleaded with the tow truck company and they found some guy named Ed who had nothing to do on a Saturday night to give them a ride home.

The reason Ed had nothing to do on a Saturday night?

Well, Ed was going through a painful divorce . . . and talked through his pain . . . the . . . entire . . . ride . . . home.

2)  From the post Ten Things Thursday: Ten Things about my Husband:

10)  Even though he acts all manly-man-lumberjack, he can get kind of goofy.

Do you not believe me?

Can you guess what he did at our wedding reception?

Did he:

A)  Lip Synch a song to me

B)  Dance for me

C)  Lip Synch a song and  dance for me

Pop Quiz Answer:

Oh, yes.

He sang.

He danced.

He made me question my reasons for marrying him . . .

* happy sigh*

He loves me.

3)  From yesterday's post, Cinnamon:

My mom: “Willy stinks!”

My dad: “Willy always stinks.”

My mom: “No, he really smells.  What does he smell like?”

My dad:  “I don’t know.  He’s a dog.”

My mom:  “He smells like death.”

Me:  “How does death have a smell?”

Well, the next day, the Lumberjack came up to me,

“I know why Willy smells like death.”

Can anyone guess the ending to this story?

Was it:

A)  Willy had a stomach bug.

B)  Jack, Mabel, and Willy had gotten into some of Sweet Pea’s dirty diapers.

C)  Jack, Mabel and Willy dug up the remains of Joey and helped themselves to a few nibbles.

Yes, the answer was C.

The dogs ate the remains, and then Willy started throwing up all over my parent's house.

The Lumberjack quickly reburied the remains.

I cleaned up the carpet.

We gave Willy a breathmint.

And Jack and Mabel got evicted.


  1. Oh, the lovely images in the brain! Dogs are gross. Dads are funny. Husbands are awesome. Yep. Loved it! :)

  2. Wow, does your brain go at that speed all the time? Whew! Sent my swivel office chair spinning!

  3. Thank you, Mindy. Dogs are gross. You are always so encouraging!

  4. While writing this post, Little Dude was climbing on top of the piano, Handsome Dude had a poopy diaper (gross), and the girls were putting on a music show for me.

    I am always in hyper-speed mode.

  5. well...you have a couple more days left. Are you going to venture into any stories of the honeymoon? It doesn't look like you have that many secrets left. I never knew Dave would sing and dance. That's another side of him. Hi Dave.

  6. And who was Joey?

    Your life sounds full and fun!

  7. Oh . . . I got secrets . . . and lots of them . . . :)

  8. Ha! That post sounds pretty creepy if you didn't read the entire post "Cinnamon!" Joey was my dog from my childhood!
    To read the full story, click here:
