Thursday, November 19, 2009

Ten Things Thursday: Ten Things about My Husband

My husband is a man of rituals and routine.

Many things have remained unchanged about him over the past 11 years that I have known him.

Here are 10 things about my main man:

1)  The way he drinks coffee.  The coffee must be brewed really strong.  Then he take the biggest mug he can find and fills it just under 1/2 full of creamer. 

Yes, chocolate raspberry creamer. 

Why don't you people listen to me?

  It is the best creamer there is. 

Then he fills the rest of the mug with coffee.  Now, it is required that the mug of creamer with coffee sits on the counter for a good 10-15  minutes while he plays Mafia Wars on Facebook or takes a shower.  Then he will take one drink and go to something else. 

Then Handsome Dude sees the coffee.   Handsome Dude whines.  Lumberjack gives him a drink, much to the chagrin of his wife. 

Like Handsome Dude needs caffeine. 


Then Lumberjack takes one huge gulp and let's Handsome Dude or Daisy Mae finish it.

2)  The way he eats cereal. 

There is a method that must not ever be messed with.

  First, he must fill a bowl with cereal.  If it is anywhere near the bottom of the box, he takes out the colander and pours the cereal in there so that absolutely no crumbs will enter his bowl.  He will always overfill the bowl.  Then he shapes the cereal in the bowl to fit more.  Then he pours in milk:  only 1% or 2% will do.  Then he reshapes the cereal.  Then he sprinkles about 4 tablespoons of sugar on the cereal.

3)  He will not ever go near sugared cereals.  Only plain Cheerios, Wheaties, Corn Flakes and such.  But he will only eat those after he adds about 4 tablespoons of sugar.

4)  He blows his nose in the shower. 

He says it saves on Kleenex.

I say . . . gross.

5)  He will not allow our children to be picky . . . but . . . he is the pickiest person I know.  He will only eat:

yogurt:  Yoplait, strawberry

ice cream: Tillamook strawberry, Dreyers Rocky Road, or Baskin Robbins chocolate chip

popcorn: Homestyle

soda: Pepsi

I must not buy him generic cereals, yogurt, ice cream, etc.  Also, he will not eat any tomato product that is not pureed, like in a tomato sauce, no onions, no cream cheese, no sour cream, no squash, and so on and so forth.

6)  What makes him the most happy in life?  If I buy him a new toothbrush.  He will hardly ever notice a clean house, that he has clean laundry, or if I bake cookies.  But if he finds a new toothbrush in the medicine cabinet . . . yup . . . best wife ever.

7)  He can work for 16 hours straight.  But if I try and "chat" with him for 10 minutes, he falls asleep.

I guess I shouldn't take it too personally . . .


I mean, the guy is kind of known for this.


But honestly . . .

"How rude."

(Name that Full House character)

Mom and Dad 2007_2008 230

It's a good thing he's so handsome.

8)  He would prefer not to smile in pictures.

Perhaps he feels it is a sign of weakness?

9) Then there is this photo:

Am I being mean for posting this?

A)  It is not fair because this photo was a candid moment.

B)  He does not usually react like that when dipping his toes in cold water.

C)  I cannot for the life of me figure out a clever way to incorporate this photo into my post.

But I really want to share it because I find it so humorous.

On the other hand, he did put Skittles down my pants on Sunday while I was trying to help Sweet Pea with her "Invention Convention" project.

So, I'd say we're even.

10)  Even though he acts all manly-man-lumberjack, he can get kind of goofy.

Do you not believe me?

Can you guess what he did at our wedding reception?

Did he:

A)  Lip Synch a song to me

B)  Dance for me

C)  Lip Synch a song and  dance for me



  1. Full House, baby!!! I was all about that show, but I can't remember the name of that little girl??!! Stephanie?? Her real name is Josie Sweeten.....something like that!

    I listened to a talk once and it was titled, "Put the Sugar Bowl Back on the Table!". The guy was saying how it is healthier to put sugar in your plain cereal rather than eat the sweetened kind. He said all the sugar went to the bottom anyway and if you don't drink the milk, you really don't end up eating much of the sugar! So I guess it depends on if he drinks up that milk!!

    I am going to guess C, Lip synch and dance???

  2. Those photos reminded me of how you guys used to come over to watch and movie, and he would fall asleep within ten minutes of the movie starting... every, single time. Without fail. Hilarious!

  3. he lip synched and danced for you

    I really like the idea of the colander with the last of the cereal. I have never thought of that, but it is brilliant!

  4. It's so nice that you have taken the time and energy to observe his teeny quirks and truly "know" the person behind them. I can SOOOO relate to many of them - not myself, of course, but the man I'm married to. Somehow those quirks don't seem quite so "quirky" until they're actually described in a blog - I'm thinking I'd better not go there.......

  5. course as I was reading this I was doing a mental checklist of my own husbands quirks...I might have a few as well : )

    I'm totally stealing the colander thing...I can't stand the crumbs, especially in my Special K. No added sugar though thank you very much.

  6. #9 DEFINITELY is my favorite! And hey, what's a blog for if not to post embarrassing photos of our extremely hot husbands? Really?! Someone needs to bring them back to earth, so that's our job.

  7. Love it! Super funny stuff--marriage is awesome!! So, I'm curious--what does your man think about all this?? Does he care? Does he know? Will he be embarassed if I ask him about his cereal eating habits? :)

  8. The Lumberjack reads all posts that are about him before I publish them.
    He thinks it is funny and says, "Looks good, hon."
    He knows I am just teasing.
    He knows he rocks my world. :)

  9. You are such a good wife Taylor!

  10. Definitely Stephanie!

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