Monday, November 9, 2009


The following are true happenings.

You may find them hard to believe.

But, they are true . . . oh, so true.

1)  I know the person who created this pattern:

Is that not the cutest thing ever?

I cannot even sew the patches on my girls' Awanas vests.

Check out her site:

I don't just know of her.

I know her know her.

We all know how joyous coffee is.

But think of how much more joyous it would be when you have that darling little owl sleeve on your cup!

And she even has a matching glove pattern.


2)  The last three times the Lumberjack and I have rented a movie, we have picked one that we thought we had not seen, but 20 minutes into it, one of us decides we have seen the movie.

Then we bicker over whether or not we have actually seen aforementioned movie.

Then we watch it for a few more minutes to ensure we have really seen it.

Then we fall asleep on the couch.

What has become of our life together, Mr. Lumberjack?

3)   In my lifetime, I have cut my eyebrow in half . . . not once, but twice.

The first time during my freshman year in high school.  It was a tragic event where I confused a tiny pair of scissors for tweezers.

Grooming is difficult for me.

The second time was last month.

And I would prefer to not share anymore.

4)  Speaking of beauty products, I was afraid of make-up in junior high.  All my friends started wearing it and I began to feel left out.

But I was retarded with makeup.

So my mother bought me clear mascara.

Raise your hand if you did not even know clear mascara existed.

Good.  All of you. 

Now, raise your hand if you don't even know what the purpose of clear mascara would be.

Good, class.

Raise your hand if you are not surprised that I poked myself right on the eyeball with said mascara each and every morning.


I have issues.

5)  I was a cheerleader in junior high.

6)  I started taking piano lessons at the age of 12 . . . a little later than most children. 

I loved it. 

I continued with the lessons through my junior year in high school. 

For my last recital, I played a 13-page performance of Celine Dion's, "My Heart will Go On" from the Titanic.

See full size image

I don't wanna brag, but I brought down the house.

Of course, my competition was 6-8 year olds who were butchering "Twinkle-Twinkle Little Star."

After my award-winning performance, I was swarmed by those 6-8 year olds, wondering how I could play so well.

Well, girls . . . I am twice your age.

And apparently I am a loser, because there is no one else here even near my age bracket.

But, don't worry.

I let myself have my moment of glory.

I shook their little hands, gathered my 13 pages of sheet music, held my head high, and walked out of there a star.

And I never performed again.

 7)  And my final bit of unbelievable, yet very true news is:

I lost 3 pounds this week!

Who would have thunk it?


 bigmac.jpg Big Mac image by TonyMontana007

is clearly no match for my iron-will like disclipline.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.



  1. that is awesome that you played that song at the recital!! i still tear up every time i hear it!! :-)

  2. I feel your pain on the eyebrow thing. I REALLY do. Been there, done that.

  3. Congrats on loosing 3 pounds! Maybe you should treat yourself to a Big Mac now =)

  4. Taylor, you make it sound so tragic to be you, yet you always manage to look so put-together and capeable when I see you (you know, twice a year). I have a hard time making the two pictures fit together :~)

  5. Well, I am glad I don't look as tragic as I am. :)

  6. Actually, I am making the fattiest recipe I know of. It contains 1 1/2 sticks of butter and 1 cup of whipping cream.
    Nothing says "weight loss" like whipping cream!

  7. You are absolutely hilarious! You made me ALMOST have to get up and run to the bathroom cross-legged but I kept my composure. Thank you for sharing your "facts" and although I don't actually KNOW you, I know that you know family members of mine so in a way I kinda know you....

  8. Congratulations on losing 3 pounds!! (You have inspired me, I will finally start the diet I've been talking about starting. LOL! )

    My hubby and I are the same way with renting movies. That's happened the last five or six times to us... which is unfortunate because we both love movies so much. LOL!

  9. I just found your blog, you are great!!!! Very funny. I am going to keep reading.

  10. Congratulations on your loss. It's harder to lose weight when you aren't that overweight. Me, I could lose like 8 lbs in one day if I tried, probably. No one will ever know.

  11. Yeah! That is a great accomlishment-now go treat yourself to a carrot stick with a dot of ranch dressing on it-woo-hoo-you're living now!! :)

  12. I also played that song...not at a recital, though...but I did always have similar 6-8 year olds crowding me wondering how I could play as an upper classman who had taken lessons for oh-so-long! I conveniently did share the glory [aka pestering] with two other older students!
