Friday, November 20, 2009

When two worlds collide.

This post is in response to a recent comment:

Love it!  Super funny stuff--marriage is awesome!!  So, I'm curious--what does your man think about all this??  Does he care?  Does he know?  Will he be embarassed if I ask him about his cereal eating habits?  :)

1)  The Lumberjack previews about 90% of the posts before they are published.

2)  If he does not have time to read it, I ask his permission before I publish anything about him.

3)  The Lumberjack and I have a mutual teasing relationship:

He makes fun of me, tickles me, rolls his eyes at my ignorance, and gives me wedgies so bad that my underwear will rip.

And then I tell on him and blog about it.

You know . . . tit for tat.

4)  I would like everyone to know that I have an awesome husband who loves me very much and I love him.  I am thankful that God has blessed me with him.

*He works extremely hard to provide for our family

*He makes me coffee every morning

*He fills up my gas tank because I am scared of the diesel pump

*He tells me I am beautiful every day

*He washes my car

*If he knows of something I want, he will usually not rest until I get it

5)  He calls me "wife dude."  And I like it.

6)  He is very handsome and he rocks my world.


The other week at church, a lovely couple that we know, but have not seen in awhile, came up to us:

"Hey there, Lumberjack!  How are you guys?"

The Lumberjack: "Huh?"

  You see, my husband's name is not Lumberjack, nor is he an actual Lumberjack.

You can understand his confusion.

Nice couple:  "Oh, we read the blog!"

Us: "Oh, right!"

chuckle, chuckle, handshake, farewell.

So, it kind of weirds both of us out when people who we did not realize read this come up to us and start talking to us about it.

It is kind of like two worlds colliding:

The Lumberjack World  and then, well, the Normal, Boring, Real World.

On a side note:

Thank you to everyone who has left a comment or let me know they read this in person. 

It is encouraging to know that people are reading this and enjoying it.

And with that . . . have a lovely Friday!


  1. Dear Mrs. Lumberjack,

    Just so you know, I read your blog everyday. And if I happen to miss a day, I always go back and catch up. You are a very talented writer.... :)

  2. Yeah, what Becky said.................ditto.........

  3. I love reading your blog! I do not always leave comments though. I know...I know... I read in one of your blogs that if someone reads it then they should leave a comment. I'm sorry. :( While your blogs entertain, encourage, and sometimes shock me, I often am left in awe with nothing to say. What can I say after such wit and humor that does not make me sound like a moron? ......nothing. But I do read them and hope you can forgive my lack of appreciate comments. Keep up the good work!

  4. I love your blog. And it blesses me to read about your marriage- I think it's awesome to keep a sense of humor about everyday life!
