Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Dinner . . . *sigh*

DSC_0132Little Dude after dinner


DSC_0133Why me?


Thank goodness I have Sweet Pea here to help me . . .

Why, pray tell, is Sweet Pea wearing socks and shoes with her bathrobe?


DSC_0140I am going to say I am disgusted with Mabel.

But really, I am truly grateful to her for the help.


DSC_0138Ok, that is just gross.

And wrong.

I promise dinner tasted good.

And it looked pretty good at the beginning of the meal.

But now . . .


DSC_0142My last baby.

He is growing up too fast.

My precious, little dude.

He said "milk" for the first time today.

Oh, goodness, he melts my heart.

 And he has rice in his hair.

What happened to my baby?

*double sigh*


  1. love the shot of him in the bathtub! he really is such a handsome dude!!!! or is it little dude??

  2. At least you have plenty of helpers to clean up with you!

  3. What is na bo po mo?

  4. National Blog Posting Month-we are supposed to post once a day for the entire month of November.

  5. Not WORDS! It's a sad day :) You should come over and link up! I got all fancy and put up Mr. Linky and nobody is givin him any love ;)
