Thursday, November 12, 2009

I Know What You Did Last Summer

I am linking up to Mylestones today for Flashback Friday.


The theme is friendship.

This post is about my two daugthers, ages 5 and 6 at the time, and the mischief they can get into together.

Already, they are best friends and love each other deeply, and I am thankful for that.


I have these two girls.


Precious to my heart.

They are close in age and are becoming close friends and sisters.

But they are not always as angelic as they might seem.

In the past few months, there have been two moments where they have made me hide my face in shame.

I almost cannot bear to share these horrific events with you . . . I mean what will you think of me?

What will you think of my darling angels?

IMG_1534_2Maybe I had better just keep my mouth shut . . .

Okay, okay, okay.

Here's what I will do.

I will tell you 3 scenarios.

Two will be true.

One will be false.

Let's see if you can figure out what my "angels" did this summer.

Oh, girls . . .



I know what you did last summer.


Here goes nothing.

Scenario #1:

We were at the grocery store.  When I say we, I mean myself and the Fab Four, not me and the Lumberjack.

The Lumberjack . . . with me . . . grocery shopping?


I was slightly distracted.

Actually, I was just trying to get through the store without forgetting anything on my list or murdering any of my children.

Well, while I was trying to load the groceries onto the moving black belt, I was also trying to stop Handsome Dude :

2009_08_08 017

from chucking cans of vegetables on top of the bread.

I was also trying to teach Little Dude:

2009_08_08 022

that it is not okay to push all the debit card machine buttons 4.2 million times.


Could there be a worse spot for debit card machines for mothers with young?

So, while all of that was going on, my two precious princesses saw some chapstick they wanted and just took it.

They put it in their pockets.

And they left the store with them.

Without paying.

Scenario #2:

We were camping.

Whenever you go camping, it takes forever to get your little site set up.
Especially if you camp with the Lumberjack.

And even more so if you camp with the Lumberjack's family.

Since we were the first to arrive, I was voted to help the Lumberjack set up his huge parachute.

Do you all remember the parachute?

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Anyways, there I was, holding the large pole while the Lumberjack tried to tie the parachute lines down.

He made an oopsie and the parachute fell and the pole almost fell on top of me.

I lived.

But the point is that the parachute was now completely covering my eyes and, as a result,  I cannot see the fab four.

This is not ideal.

But I can hear them.

And I hear my two little girls shouting, "Yah!  Take that, Monster!  Yah!"

Along with the shouting, I also hear loud thunks and bangs.

" (___insert husband's name___)!  What are they doing?"

Well, they were playing a game.

They were pretending that they were the princesses (odd) and there was a monster who was trying to attack them.

They had found an apple tree and were taking apples and throwing them at their "monster."

Would you all like to know what the monster was?

Somebody else's camp trailer.

Scenario #3:

Our darling girls are playing in the backyard.

Their father, the Lumberjack, built them a delightful little playhouse.

IMG_1011Please notice the fence behind the playhouse.

It will be important in about two seconds.

Here are my girls playing in the playhouse with their cute little red-headed friend.

Cute little red-headed friend is not guilty of the crime that is about to be committed.

Our neighbors have a fence . . . you know the kind with the foot of lattice on the top?

Well, my girls, in the spirit of all things Lumberjack, decided that they needed a woodpile for their playhouse.

So, they plucked out each little piece of lattice from our neighbor's fence . . . and they made themselves a woodpile.

I mean, can you blame them?

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They get it from their father.



So out of those 3 scenarios, 2 are true.

1 is false.

Which one do you think is false?

On a completely unrelated note, I would like everyone to know that in the past 48 hours, I have become a HUGE fan of the Taylor Swift song, "You Belong to Me."

Just thought you might need to know that.

Click here to see the answers


  1. I'm guessing that the first two scenarios are the ones that are true. Am I right? Am I right? They are truely adorable girls despite these crimes they have committed. :)

  2. I'm guessing scenario #1 and #2! Just too much detail in there my friend....too much funny detail! Love the parachute! :-)

  3. I was thinking number 3? can you believe i forgot to post yesterday!!!!

  4. I'm going to guess the first and last one are true. If it makes you feel any better, they were perfect angels when I watched them. :)

  5. Hiilarious! Is number 3 false? Although my son has done that to a cute little picket fence at my mothers house before. Sigh!

    I put up FAB Friday, sorry so late! Usually I'll have it up late Thurs night, just one of THOSE weeks.

  6. Soooo glad you are listening to Taylor Swift now! She's got some pretty catchy tunes, just ask my daughter!

    I'm going to go with option 1 and option 3. However, I don't feel confident in this and also I sort of think they are all made up because your girls are just way to precious to ever be troublemakers.

  7. Okay, I don't care who you are, that's funny! Not that stealing is hilarious, but if it's not my kid, then Ha, Ha, Ha!! :) I think 1 & 2 are stinking funny, so I hope they are true. Number 3 isn't quite as side-splitting, so I'll go with that one being a falsehood. We're all dying to know!!!

  8. Forgot to mention- Bubba did one of those in the grocery isle last week. Snagged a push pop sucker and of course had the lid off and candy IN HIS MOUTH before I spotted him. Rrrr! The thing wasn't even sealed. NONE of them were, just hanging out, waiting for some kid to come by, push it up and eat it so his mom had to buy it. The lady asked, is this a "go back"! GO BACK? I wish!

    One more thing LJW, did you know you can schedule future posts? Just thought you might want to know since you are trying to do nablopomo. Let me know if you aren't sure how to do it.

  9. I'm going to stray from the pack and go with #2 and #3.

  10. I'm hoping number 2 is the false one. But they all sound plausible. Kids can come up with the darnedest things.

  11. Surprisingly, I am aware that I can schedule posts.
    That's about the only trick I know.
    Is not my blog layout so boring?
    But I am too stupid.

  12. Hmmmmm - I don't know your kids, so I can't say any of the scenarios "sound like them". And actually, I don't even know you, so for all I know these could all be scenes from your own childhood! No judgement is rendered, however, toward your beautiful children nor toward you. Gotta pick our battles each day huh?

  13. Alright, I am guessing number 2 is not true. Kids can come up with the craziest things though so I am just not sure on this one.

  14. Not knowing your kids in any way other than what you blog about, I'd guess the first and last are the true ones. LOL!

  15. I'm guessing #3 is the false one. Although, I could be totally wrong. You do realize you are going to have to tell us which one isn't the truth.

    If number one is true, your daughters are not the only ones. My son tried to pocket a pack of gum after I told him no. Luckily, I caught it before we got out of the checkout line.

  16. Hmmmm. I am going to say numbers 1 and 3, if #2 is correct, tell them you you a park ranger now that come's after princesses that throw apples at other people's campers. just kidding.
    Thanks fo coming back to my blog!
    The Park Wife

  17. Darn! Look at those two adorable angels. What darling nitegowns. ha

  18. You are not going to let daughters steal, & I don't think they would anyway. Paying is part of the fun. #1 is so false. Hi to all, pretty sad about the neighbor's fence though. Once I came home from work to find my diapered 2-yr-old next door "fixing" the roughnecks Harley's, any one of which could have fallen over & crushed him. Dad was asleep on couch. I am not married to this Rip Van Winkle anymore.

  19. Hilarious! (Did you ever reveal the true scenario?) I would've guessed the first two were true. (Mortifying, perhaps, but true!) :-)
    Thanks for linking up this week!
