Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Lumberjack Thanksgiving, part one


On Thanksgiving, the Lumberjack and I, along with our Lumberjacklings headed over to my in-laws.

My mother-in-law cooked us a delicious meal and then we retired to the living room to pour over the Black Friday ads.

Sweet Pea got bored with the ads.

She went downstairs and found some old dress-up clothes.

She pretended she was Santa Clause.

She handed out presents to everyone . . .

Ho Ho Ho

Merry Christmas to all . . . and to all a . . .


Next, we loaded up all the kids and headed over to my parent's house for dinner.

Meet Willard.

Willard was the caretaker for my grandparent's estate about 30 years ago.

Willard has been joining us for the holidays for some time now.

Willard was born on April 14th.

My dad was born on April 14th.

What tragic event also occurred on April 14th many years ago?

Not that the birth of my dad or Willard should be considered tragic . . .


Have you ever seen anything like this?

This is how The Lumberjack loads his plate.

He just layers it all into one big glob.

What a goober.

From left to right: Willard, my dad, Handsome Dude, and my Uncle Greg.

My Uncle Greg's birthday is June 25th.

The year will remain a mystery, as to not appall you.

I kid!  I joke!

Uncle Greg is a youngin'.

Two celebrities died on his birthday this year.

Can you name them?

Aunt Meagan and The Dudes dancing to "Happiest Christmas Tree."

Name that artist.

Back to the table for dessert!

Look!  It's another Greg!

This here is cousin Greg.

Of course, no holiday would be complete without a game of Trivial Pursuit.

There were more menfolk than womenfolk.

So, poor Uncle Greg had to join the ladies team.

It was an intense game.

The menfolk were schoolin' the womenfolk+Greg.

But the menfolk had a secret weapon:


Now, poor Willard was pretty tired.

He kept falling asleep.

But when the menfolk needed to know the answer to a tricky question, they would just nudge him and out came the answer.


Willard knew the answer to this one:

How many years did Rip Van Winkle Sleep?

Do you?

Willard also knows the recipe for LSD.

And he hands it out on recipe cards.



Tomorrow's post will contain the rest of our exciting holiday festivities, plus you will find out why I gave this guy:

my brother-in-law, Alex, a time out.


He looks innocent enough.

But trust me.

He can get pretty rowdy.

Today's post contained 4 questions:

1)  What tragic even occurred on April 14th many years ago?

2)  What two celebrities died on June 25th?

3)  Who sang "Happiest Christmas Tree?"

4)  How many years did Rip Van Winkle sleep?

Can you do it?


  1. Hmmmm.... I'm stumped! I do not know one single answer. Pathetic.

  2. i've missed you!! i am starting backwards on your posts from last week so this is the first. looks like you guys had a great thanksgiving! i think the answer the the second question is Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett??

  3. was it the Titanic on April 14th?
    I agree that it was MJ and FF who died on the same day.
    Your turkey day looked fun!

  4. I feel totally stupid. I don't know the answer to even one of your questions.

  5. OK Taylor, I know the answers
    1) April 14, 1865 Abraham Lincoln assasinated at Fords Theatre
    2) April 14, 1912 The Titanic sinks within 2 1/2 hrs after striking a iceberg in the North Atlantic
    3) Michael Jackson buys the farm with help from his doctor..June 25, 2009
    4) The ultimate poster girls cashes in all her chips..June 25, 2009
    5) Slept for 20 years....

  6. I can only answer #1 and only because that is my oldest son's birthday. Although the 14th isn't as bad as my birthday April 19th.

    The rest of the answers are a mystery to me.

    Looks like a fun Thanksgiving.

  7. Hmmm . . .what happened on the 19th?

  8. I missed you more-and right you are!

  9. Yes, ma'am!

  10. Nice job! I didn't know about Lincoln. So smart you are!
    But you forgot the song!
    Who sang "Happiest Christmas Tree?"

  11. I believe that would be p o r e over the holiday ads. How fun to have a grandma who has fun dress-up clothes at her house! Lucky kids. Happy Holidays to all.

  12. Oooh, thanks! I stand corrected. :)
