Thursday, November 26, 2009

Ten Things Thursday: Thanksgiving Edition

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

I found some old pictures from Thanksgiving 2007.

And they have absolutely nothing to do with anything I am going to talk about today.

I like to confuse you like that.

Check out this old photo of yours truly.

Little Dude was just a little fetus in my not-so-little tummy.

They are so much easier to care for when they are contained inside of you.


Rest assured, I am not too busy on this lovely Thanksgiving Day.


Not really busy at all.

Well, busy eating . . . and sitting . . . and eating . . . and sitting.


I will probably lend a helping hand.

But I am not hosting.

I will be first joining my in-laws at 1pm for their Thanksgiving dinner.

I am contributing:  green bean casserole.

Then, I will wake up the Lumberjack from his traditional "after dinner" nap, and drag him and the children over to my parent's house for dinner at 5pm.

I am contributing:  green bean casserole.

Apparently, green bean casserole is all I can be trusted with.

I am beginning to like Thanksgiving more and more each year.

I love spending time with family.

And I have always enjoyed eating.

I appreciate my in-laws and my parents for hosting meals.

I appreciate not having to cook.

But mostly, I appreciate the fact that I do not have to do things like:

A)  Remove the neck

B)  Remove the organs

C)  Wash turkey inside and out and pat dry

It's instructions like those written on the outside of a frozen turkey that would turn my world upside down.

No, thank you.

I prefer cooking instructions such as:

1)  Place green beans in pan

2)  Place soup mixture in pan

3)  Stir.

And there is absolutely no risk of salmonella poisoning.


Here are 10 Things I am Thankful for:

1)  Jesus. 

"I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene.  And wonder how He could love me, a sinner condemned unclean.

How marvelous, How wonderful and my song shall ever be.

How marvelous, How wonderful is my savior's love for me."

2)  My Husband.

He works so hard for us and he loves us so much.

3)  Sweet Pea

4)  Daisy Mae

5) Handsome Dude

6)  Little Dude

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy and where thieves to not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
Matthew 6:19-21


7)  My Family

8)  My other family . . .the crazykins . . .

Christmas 2008 006

9)  My friends . . . new and old . . .



10)  For the folks at Nestle Coffee creamers and their brilliant concept of capturing heaven in a plastic bottle:


For without my 6 am cup and my 2pm cup, where would I be?

Happy Thanksgiving!

What are you thankful for?

What are your plans for the day?

Did you have to touch a turkey's neck?

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. I am thankful for all of my family and that includes you as you are truely the best sister-in-law and I feel very blessed to have you as part of my family and one of my best friends.

  2. Aw, thanks! I love you, too!

  3. Yep, I touched a turkey neck and it's organs too and I washed and patted dry. But, even with all that I have gobs to be thankful for... My Lord, my honey hubby, my monkeys and Starbucks on the way to my black Friday shopping excursion in a few hours:)

  4. Your wedding dress was beautiful!

    Your kids are adorable too...I have blonde headed little girls who are nearly all grown up. It's been so great having them home from uni this week.

    I've been cooking for two days now...I'm thankful for leftovers today! I go to my happy place in my head when I prep the turkey. Can't think too hard about exactly what I'm touching. Eww. But it does taste good.

  5. You could totally do this, Taylor! All you need is some soap and good disinfectant spray! I did touch all those lovely things but it was soo worth it-I brined the turkey overnight and it was DELICIOUS!!

  6. I'm thankful I'm not on the 91 fwy trying to get somewhere in SoCal for someone else's cooking. I'm glad I don't have to dress up and wear a bra. I'm thankful I'm not one of the mothers in a hospital watching their child die waiting for an organ while trying to be cheerful for them. I'm thankful I bore a beautiful healthy child and feel blessed for that every day. I'm thankful I have 28 good teeth and all my limbs and senses work and I can still walk and drive. I'm thankful I was born in the United States of America and had both parents raise me. Best gift I ever got were my brothers and sisters, second best is their children to watch grow.

  7. I totally have done it! Are you surprised? I got a free turkey once and I did it all by myself.

    I just choose not to do it again.

    Because I am smart like that.

  8. Thank you-I loved that dress! I am glad you got to have a visit from your girls. :)
