Friday, November 20, 2009

Disney on Ice

We scored tickets for Disney on Ice, so my mom and I took the girls.

I did not take the little boys, as precious as they are.

That would have been potentially catastrophic.

Although the dudes might have enjoyed this part:

and this part:

and, most assuredly, this part:

But, then, it would be all over for them.

And it would switch to something like this:

and they would flail, and whine, and cry, and fidget, and whine

And flailing boys is not ideal when you are watching Prince Eric and Ariel do their spotlight dance.

Next up was The Lion King:

Just can't wait to be king . . . circle of life . . . wildebeests . . . yada yada yada . . .

What, pray tell, is a wildebeest?

But enough about that.

What we really need to discuss in this post is my Sweet Pea . . .

Could somebody please hit the pause button?

Because she is growing up too fast.

And I want her stay the way she is.

I want her to always think princesses and princes are magic.

I want her to always spell "miss" , "mish."

And I most certainly want her to always run upstairs and throw on her Tinkerbell dress when she hears we are going on a special date.

No attitudes.

No teenage angst.

No boyfriends.

No sleepovers.

And definitely no driving.

Daisy Mae . . . now Daisy Mae enjoyed the show. 

But her attention span is not as solid as Sweet Pea's.

So we had to buy a $7 box of popcorn to get her sit still.

Worked like a charm.

I love how when the characters wave, my girls still wave.

Seriously . . . somebody needs to hit pause . . .  now . . .

And, in conclusion, I have a suggestion for the powers-that-be at Disney on Ice:

Please make adult Simba's costume more roomy.

It seems a tad snug.

Thank you much.


  1. Awesome! Not the sung groin area part, but the getting to go to Disney on Ice part. Awesome. I have always wanted to go that. I will always be a little Disney princess in my own mind. My friend Chris is actually a skater in that show! By the way, I love that she dresses up as Tink for her special dates with you. So sweet. :)

  2. Those moments with our kids are priceless aren't they? We took the kids to Disney on Ice the year they did the "Incredibles". We all really enjoyed the family time! Score Mom!

  3. Looks like the girls had a great time! They do grow up much to fast. And I agree, Simba's costume is much too tight!

  4. How fun! Mine are nearly grown but they can still see the magic : )

    Definitely no driving...that's the worst...we solved that by moving to England...mine did not get driver's licenses until they were 19 and 20 YAY! The brain is much more refined at 19 and 20 than at 16. Trust me. I have loved the teenage years though...there's joy in every season.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. You are so funny, that costume bit is too much! :)

  6. Looks like you ladies had a blast! Good choice with the no boys decision, it would have been terrible! And Simba seems slightly inappropriate....

  7. I loved the post - wonderful, in so many ways!

  8. Ah, how fun is that?! So glad you got to go.

  9. Hadley's a girl of action. This is a good thing too! Show sure looks pretty. Hi Lumberjill, hi grams, hi sweetpea, hihad. do u know a cartoon character named sweet pea?

  10. Regarding the pause button: my heart aches for you. I know exactly how you feel. I remember the day when my lil soldier boy was outside smashing bugs to smithereens with the toy hammer that came with the workbench and saying over and over "I told ya"...whack! I would have frozen him right then forever.

  11. Wildebeast: Elk only African.

  12. Theee teacher, thee how dood I can thpell? yes I know it's wildebeest.
