Monday, November 30, 2009

Why I don't yet have a Christmas Tree

Apparently everyone and their mother put up their Christmas trees this weekend.

Except me.

For it was the last weekend of hunting season for my dear Lumberjack.

And, as buff as I look, I would not be able to haul the fab four around, pick out a tree, load the tree, and set the tree up in the house.



Muscles are one of the only reasons why I even keep my manly man hunter around.

It is a good thing he is so darn handsome.

Or else I might have to get cranky about this:


I mean, what mother wouldn't want this lovely accessory in her child's play area?

Now, I know I said I was going to take a break from posting . . . seeing as how I just finished 30 days in a row.

But you can't make this stuff up, people.

Today is December 1st.

And it is the last day of hunting season.

And I assure you that all firearms are going immediately into the gun safe where they belong as soon as all this hunting nonsense is out of his system.


No children were harmed, nearby, or even awake during the photographing of this rifle.

Also, no Lumberjacks were harmed . . . yet.



  1. I'm glad you're still posting...Love the crib accessory : )

  2. I KNEW you'd be posting today :) I love the last phrase best of all! p.s. we don't have a tree yet either. Jason likes to surprise us with one on some random day so I never quite know when to expect it. It's a fun tradition though.

  3. Well, it's true that you just can't make this stuff up. My grandson shot a buck a couple of weeks ago and REALLY wants Grandpa to shoot one. They tried again yesterday - the buck finally came out to where grandson could see it but he wasn't the one with the gun - Grandpa had the gun but couldn't see the buck. It made for a good story for grandson to tell all his friends - "Grandpa missed a buck he couldn't see" - that's just wrong! This is the last day............

  4. Maybe because I've lived here my whole life... that just doesn't seem super weird to me :) hee hee I kidd- your hubs is a funny dude- whether he knows it or not!

    I guess I'm a hunter's wife too- feathers everywhere in the garage is just a normal part of the landscape!

  5. I LOVE the gun in the pack and play! I can so relate. That's North Idaho for ya.

  6. The gun in the pack-n-play is great! And we don't have a tree up yet either =)

  7. You're in good company. I'm married to Scrooge, so putting up the Christmas tree is always a little battle. He likes the going and getting part, though. It's fun to pick out a tree from the woods and cut it down-I love that family tradition. I think we agreed on December 7th as an agreeable date for tree-putting-up. And yes, thank goodness hunting season is finally over!!

  8. OMW!!!

    This is the first year we have put up our tree before birthday week. Since we have three birthdays, the 6th-9th, we never have gotten the tree up before then. I'm thrilled!

  9. So did he get his deer??? Or whatever he was hunting for?

  10. hehehehe...too funny. Thank goodness my hubby isn't a big hunter.

    We don't have a tree yet either. I still have to go out and find one. I get no help from the Dairy Dude on that score.

  11. Ditto Alisa. It's so true Must be incredibly interesting to be married to a hunter/builder/lumberjack/country-lovin dude. Trying his best to keep the deer population in check.
